A Selection of Events for the coming year
Check our Notice Board at the Stables for further details.


Feb 21st Own A Pony Day

March 28th  Easter Egg Hunt

March 28th 2 Hour Hack for V Experienced Riders

March to August. Alt Sundays - Training towards C Test and Riding and Road Safety Test

April 11th Achievement Badge - Loading

April 15th Own A Pony Day

April 18th Dressage Clinic and Competition

July 25th Show Jumping Clinic and Competition

July 28th D/D+ Training Day

August 1st D/D+ Test

August 15th/16th Summer Camp

August 22nd C Test

August 25th/26th BHS Road Safety Training and Exam

October 24th Own A Pony Day

October 28th Hallowe'en Fun Day

December 19th Own A Pony Day



Location on Ordnance Survey
Map No 167 shown as Frogs Hall Farm